Wuzhen Kaiyuan Mingting Hotel

Wuzhen Kaiyuan Mingting Hotel

WuZhen Kaiyuan Mingting Hotel is a four-star modern hotel enriched by traditional Chinese designs and decorations. It is located in Wuzhen (China), a 1300-year-old water town on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The hotel offers more than 130 rooms of various kinds, all equipped with modern facilities while designed in traditional Chinese style. Stay here and take a tour around the famous Wuzhen town to enjoy the unique beauty of history, this experience will surely add a great memory to your life.


If you would like to make your reservation in this hotel, please contact us for help
Email: GEPSEE2024@163.com


Address: No. 72 of Ziye Road, Wuzhen Town, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China
Tel: 0573-88782888
Fax: 0573-88788886

Tip: you may print this page as help to find the hotel when you are in town.





地址: 浙江省嘉兴市桐乡市乌镇镇子夜路72号
电话: 0573-88782888
传真: 0573-88788886

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